Vermont Universal Meals program

Dear Maple Run Unified School District Community:

Through Vermont’s universal meals program, public schools offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. Even though meals are now free to all students, our schools still need to gather family income data.

We need your help. Every family needs to Fill out the Form to help create a brighter future for all Vermont students.

You may not have filled out the form in the past. But filling out the form this year will help us run the Universal Meals program and keep it affordable. Furthermore, it's about more than meals. By filling out the form you:

  •  Help our school/schools access millions of dollars in federal money for education

  •  Help students in our district and across Vermont access healthy, nutritious food

  •  Help keep the cost of universal meals as low as possible

When your child starts school in the fall, your school will ask you to complete an income form found online here Household Income Form. The form should only take a few minutes to fill out. Privacy of the income information you provide is protected by law.

Please reach out to your school if you have any questions.