PUBLIC SKATE: Collins Perley and Jaz Entertainment will come together for a fun packed public skate this Sunday March 4th from 5 to 7pm. Music light and lot of fun. Adults $6 Kids...
Collins Perley and Jaz entertainment will have a fun Public Skate this Sunday March 4th from 5 to 7 pm. There will be a DJ and lights from Jaz Entertainment. Cost is $6 an adult...
Collins Perley will offer public skating and stick & puck this week.
Monday February 26th stick & puck 1 to 3
Tuesday February 27th public skate 1 to 3
Wednesday Februar...
We need to make a small change to our Public Skating Schedule this week. Today we will have Stick and Puck from 2 to 4 Wednesday January 17th the time is now 9:30 to 11:45 inst...
Collins Perley will be cancelling all 5am classes tomorrow January 5th due to the weather. Please call ahead for all classes after that time to see if we will be having them. 527-...
We will be closing at 12:00 today, but SASA will still have practice till 2:00. If possible, after 12, please use the back doors. Thank you, and happy holidays!